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This course does not satisfy First Class Req. 2.
- SD = "short distance"
- D = degrees
- MBO = "may be obscured"
The Course begins at the Del Rey Park sign at the corner of Partridge Drive and Calle Dey Rey.
- 245D first light pole (At 245D there is a light pole. Go to that pole.)
- 260D garbage can (MBO)
- 40D light pole
- 270D tall tree
- 310D light pole
- 75D tree (SD)
- 110D closer park bench
- 5D nearer swing set
- 60D table
Sunrise Park
This course begins at the round chess table in the SW corner of the Park. This course does not satisfy First Class Req. 2.
- (Go) 155D to black light pole.
- 75D until you reach a street corner.
- From the SUnrise Park sign go 315D to trash container.
- 330D to red pole.
- 30D for 5 1/2 paces.
- Down 3 steps, turn right, and go down 3 more steps.
- 100D for 5 paces.
- Due North to black light pole.
- Due West 26 paces to picnic table.
- Due West 13 1/2 paces to black light pole.
- 260D for 9 paces and stand on Object B6.
- 230D to table.