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Uniform: The Scout is to have his
- Class A shirt, tucked in,
- neckerchief (with a slide), and
Notes from 3/1/16 meeting with Commissioner
Boards of Review- ways we do them are guidelines
Questions about what we can ask on a BOR:
- We can ask them what they did when completing the requirements.
- When you did that, what did you learn? Or how come you chose that one?
- Inquire the why's, when’s, etc. What did you understand about completing this?
Who should be on them and when should we hold them:
- Committee members run it
- ASM can sit in but not if you have done sign off’s with the Scout’s
- Higher Rank Scouts can sit in but listen only for learning
- It’s recommended that BOR are ... scheduled by the Advancement Chairman.
- We talked about maybe once a month. Not at an outdoor meeting?
- It was recommended that BOR’s be held separately from troop meetings - for example, to be held on the Tuesdays each month we don’t have a regular meeting.
Scoutmasters Conference:
- Should be a catch point to address whether a Scout is ready to have their BOR.
- Address: Character, un-scout like conduct, unpreparedness, etc…
- 2 Adult Leaders for accountability and to train adults on the how-to’s
- Conferences are meant to be more formal than how we currently do them
- Go through Scout Handbook and ask questions, but not retesting
- We’ve had several Scouts that have come in with a requirement not signed off previous. This shouldn’t be found in the BOR.
Reason to not Pass someone in their BOR:
- Not in full uniform
- Un-Scout-like attitude
Roles of a Scoutmaster and ASM:
- Mentor/ friend/ coach
- Runs the program
Roles of the Committee:
- Award (Awards chairman works with SPL for COH also)
- BOR and helps support and run troop